AFP Authenticate

Script to preflight email password using the AFP protocol.

Change User

Utility for changing a Mac OS X account and computer name. Useful for Sys Admin's to configure a "cloned" system for a specific user, or recycling an existing user account.

Copy User

Utility for copying a user's files. Used for moving a user from one system to another.


Fontview is a Mac OS 9 Font utility for displaying a typeface sample, keystroke, FOND, and TrueType information.

FontView Java

Java applet version of the Mac OS 9 Font utility


Keep file server group membership and Mailman list membership synchronized, and generate regular membership reports.


Send password expiration reminders to users, password expiration reports to administrators.


A command line utility for setting Mac OS X's default email program.


POP based auto-reply script for Postfix email servers.