Current System Requirements

Requires Netscape Communicator/Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4 or better. Older web browsers may return a "method verification" or "class not found" error after the applet has loaded.

Version 0.94 - May 16, 2000

Fixed a bug where the glyph view's typeface would revert to original font.

Version 0.93 - September 16, 1999

Added field for ASCII value of glyph in both decimal and hex, plus a few internal modifications. Increased the width of applet to better display the Unicode glyph names, but there are still a few that are too wide to properly display in the current format.

Version 0.92 - September 9, 1999

With this version the display of HTML name and number entities, and the Unicode names for each character (when defined) returns. The glyph panel now uses the Java GridBagLayout, so controls should now be (more or less) better positioned.

Version 0.91b - September 2, 1999

Made a major tweak to so that applet will now run with Netscape Communicator. A few features had to be removed until they are in working order.

Version 0.91 - April 10, 1998

To make a character display in the Glyph View (box on the right), move the mouse pointer over any character in the list on the left.

Text positioning with Internet Explorer's Java VM (and perhaps others) is often innappropriate. Due to poor support of the alignment constants?

Character conversion tables are now nearly complete.

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